Hosted by Sylvia Ryerson, March 30, 2011 – On this edition of Mountain Talk we hear from Tanya Turner and Beverly May about the upcoming Growing Appalachia workshops on sustainable mountain agriculture, renewable energy and energy efficiency for the central Appalachian coalfields. [wpdm_file id=99]
Eastern Kentuckians Face Rising Electric Bills
Residents throughout eastern Kentucky have been shocked by dramatically higher electric bills this winter, forcing many to make difficult decisions in order to keep their homes warm through the coldest months of the year. The situation has created a crisis for many Kentucky households. Residents and local officials alike are searching for answers as to […]

Home-scale Renewable Energy: Darrell & Pam Collier on Wind & Solar Power
With the weather growing colder as we head into winter, there’s a lot of talk about how people can keep their homes warm and well lit, without ending up with a huge energy bill each month. The Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, or SAMS, a community group in Appalachia, VA, is working hard to provide some […]

Growing Appalachia: Moving Forward in the Mountains
On Saturday, April 24, people from throughout the region and the state came together at the Jenny Wiley convention center in Floyd County, Kentucky for a day of workshops on sustainable mountain agriculture, renewable energy and energy efficiency for the central Appalachian coalfields. The event was titled Growing Appalachia: Moving Forward in the Mountains, and […]