Using Ingenuity & Internet to Stay on the Farm

A video portrait of Anna Hess and Mark Hamilton, farmers in Scott County, Virginia, who have used the Internet to create a thriving market for their invention, the Avian Aqua Miser. This innovative device provides a steady source of water to chickens without creating an unsanitary mess. Their story underlines the importance of access to […]

Prison Progress: a WMMT Radio Documentary

Part One of Prison Progress, a WMMT radio documentary series on the rapid growth of new prisons in the coalfields of Central Appalachia.  In this episode we’ll hear about how the idea of prisons as economic development first came to the mountains in the 1980s.

Prison Progress: a WMMT Radio Documentary

Part Two of Prison Progress, a WMMT radio documentary series on the rapid growth of new prisons in the coalfields of Central Appalachia.  In this episode we’ll hear about what happened in our neighboring counties after the prisons opened.

Prison Progress: a WMMT Radio Documentary

Part Three of Prison Progress, a WMMT radio documentary series on the rapid growth of new prisons in the coalfields of Central Appalachia.  In this episode we’ll hear about the social and cultural affects prisons have had on the mountain communities that host them and on the people who work in them.