Vaccines, Jobs, Environmental Clean Up

East Kentuckians with diabetes/prediabetes describe benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine, White House’s Gina McCarthy talks investment in coal-dependent communities, two studies show job potential from capping orphan gas wells, cleaning up abandoned mine lands.

AML Reauthorization, RECLAIM Act Introduced

This show features Rep. Matt Cartwright and Rep. Glenn Thompson, both from Pennsylvania coal mining districts, introducing the RECLAIM Act and legislation to reauthorize the Abandoned Mine Lands Fund at a March 10 Press Conference. Sponsors describe these bills as bipartisan, and state they could create 13,000 jobs immediately, while helping to ensure coal country […]

A New Deal For Appalachia

Speakers at the January 12th ReImagine Appalachia Strategy Summit describe their policy blueprint for creating a New Deal – a green economy with good paying jobs in Appalachia, followed by comments from the mayors of Pittsburgh and Huntington who support a “Marshall Plan for Middle America” to redevelop the Ohio River Valley region. Several of […]

To Thrive We Have To Fight

As 2020 was coming to an end, Kentuckians were experiencing unemployment, food insecurity, and housing evictions due to the coronavirus, and frightened about the looming cut off of many aid programs that were passed as part of the CARES Act last spring. At this Dec. 3 press conference many shared their stories. Although a federal […]