Appalachia’s New Energy Interns

This edition of Making Connections News features three interviews that David Butler, host of the Clean Power Planet podcast, did with folks from the New Energy Internship program for eastern Kentuckians. MACED, the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, has developed this job training program with support from the Appalachian Regional Commission. These are paid […]

Hopes Rise With New RECLAIM Act

Over the past 6 years residents of coal-impacted communities and supporters across the country have urged Congress to pass the RECLAIM Act, which would invest $1 billion on an accelerated clean up of land and water harmed by abandoned mines, and provide a catalyst for economic development on those sites. This radio report highlights Congressional […]

Reclaiming Appalachia

Many Voices, Many Solutions: Innovative Mine Reclamation in Central Appalachia is a new report that highlights 20 projects across five Appalachian states that would create new economic opportunities in areas with abandoned mine lands. These case studies and similar efforts could be funded by the Abandoned Mine Land Pilot Program, and if passed by Congress, the […]

Mountain Women Mean Business

This past November over 100 people, most of them women from throughout central Appalachia, came together in downtown Harlan, KY, for “Mountain Women Mean Business.” The gathering was organized by local businesswomen and community leaders who recognized that, despite the downturn in the coal economy, new businesses were popping up in Harlan and across the […]